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Activate Your Divine Superpowers
The Reiki Wrap

Simply put, The Reiki Wrap® is 'feel good' fashion!


The Reiki Wrap® is a functional and elegant, one-of-a-kind overlay dress, designed to help you activate your divine superpowers! This versatile

fashion staple adds flair and elegance to any wardrobe. 


The Reiki Wrap® embodies the magic of a natural, Reiki-charged gemstone to transcend your energy, so you may flow with ease and grace. Each gemstone is precisely positioned at the center of the Chakra system for complete energetic support of your intentions. 


Whether you wish to boost your confidence, balance your emotions, or increase your vitality...The Reiki Wrap® has got you covered!

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The Reiki Wrap®


The Reiki Wrap®
A KlassiPet Collection

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